I’m happy that I was able to turn in the first draft of Chapter 5: Building AI Features for the second edition of Strategic Writing for UX. That chapter is in my development editor’s hands now.
So a flex, but hoo-boy. I expect feedback. So much feedback.
It’s super hard to write anything practical when it comes to how to do a thing with AI. The field is not just advancing, it’s changing quickly. The business models surrounding it—and therefore, the constraints and requirements for it—are rushing to change at the same time.
Content folks work with people who use language all the time, but we use language to meet specific purposes for specific people and business use cases. Our language expertise can help define and refine the inputs and outputs to LLMs so that organizations can build experiences that meet those specific purposes for people and other entities—while advocating for ethical methods and constraints.
So. We content designers need to know how to contribute to building LLM-based features, and the topic definitely belongs in the book.
Right now, I don’t know that I’ve done it right, yet.
I’ve released the dart and it hasn’t yet hit the board. I’ve done my best and I don’t know yet whether it was good. And frankly, it won’t be any good until after I get feedback from technical reviewers and fix it again. 😭
That’s the mystery of writing well: Being willing to admit that it’s not good enough yet, and then working to make it better.
The cycles are difficult, and I have to accept that fumbles I don’t even know about are written there in black and white, ready for me to be embarrassed about.
Even after this many years of writing, it’s strenuous to think so hard, putting words in a sequence that means exactly what I mean, how I mean it, in such a way that most other people will also understand it that way.
(And then, those people might agree or disagree–but at least all parties will understand what meaning was intended in the first place.)
So here I am, anticipating finding out about a whole pile of fumbles, and maybe a few successes, in this newest chapter. In the meantime, there’s a whole ‘nother book to be working on.